Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jessica Sprague Type+Writer Class Day 11

So...with this class, you're supposed to free write at least fifteen minutes each day. On every other day, the instructors give you a topic. Then on the in between days, you use what you've written to create a scrapbook page.

I like free writing when I get to pick the topic. I'm not so fond of the ideas that they give us, but no pain, no gain, right? These topics are very personal, and I feel funny posting them.

I think I prefer to free write separately and apart from journaling based on the photographic story.

Our assignment from yesterday was to write a letter to our young self. Then today, we had to pick three pictures of our younger selves to use in scrapping.

When you're from a family of three in the 1960's, do you know how hard it is to find a picture of yourself by yourself???

Oh, goes:

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