Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Mommarazzi Strikes Again!

Maggie and Caleb are so cute! This is Maggie's first high school dance, and she was unusually stoic about it. I expected her to be a little nervous, but if she was, she covered it well. You can just see in these first two photos that she wasn't sure what to do with the boutonniere, and I have to admit, it's a rather odd tradition.

We got the boutonniere pinned on, finally:

On to the traditional poses for the proud parents. Beautiful dress, gorgeous girl, and handsome date:

This one is my favorite:

Gary and I took them to dinner at Kirby's. The hostess seated Mags and Caleb at another table but within sight of Gary. I wanted to take more photos at dinner, but Gary didn't want to interfere.

After dinner, we dropped them off at The Gaylord for the dance. Caleb's parents picked them up and brought them safely home. Mag's isn't up yet so I don't know how it went...but this Mommarazzi can't wait to find out. ;)

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